San Angelo’s Lake Nasworthy will draw people in waves this weekend as the 10th anniversary edition of the Wake the Desert tournament begins today.
“It has grown every year,” said Scott Ragan, event co-founder. “We’ve added more categories, more divisions, and the number of participants has increased.”
The event draws the best riders in Texas from areas including Lubbock, Amarillo, Austin and Dallas, he said.
Ragan, the owner of Ski Skeller Sports in Midland, said that the event began because no one in the Midland area was supporting the sport — the closest lake was in San Angelo.
“It’s Texas’ longest-running wakeboard tournament,” he said.
Wakeboarding ties together water-skiing, snowboarding and surfing, and each rider is encouraged to attempt stunts or tricks.
The first three divisions compete today, and all other divisions are Saturday. The top four in each division advance to Sunday’s finals.
The judges look for three qualities in each rider — personal style, how much height a rider can get and the explosion of the wake, Ragan said.
Each contestant has the chance to win a pro-model wake board, donated by Ski Skeller Sports, and attendees could win thousands of dollars worth of raffle prizes.
This year’s boat by Malibu is supplied by Family Watersports.
To read this entire article visit GoSanAngelo.com.
Tags: Malibu Boats | San Angelo | Family Watersports | Lake Nasworthy | Texas | wakeboarding | wakeboard boat | Wakesetter | wakeboard tournament | gosanangelo.com
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