David, Kelly and their five children have always had a love for boats. They are between boats right now, but have thought for a long time that their next boat would be a Malibu. David explained to us how choosing the Malibu Factory tour over the Corvette Factory came about. "When we realized that the Malibu plant was only two hours further than the Corvette Factory, we thought we would call and see if a tour was possible." David continued, "Kerri was so pleasant and willing when I spoke to her. We knew then that the Malibu plant was the best choice and we were right."
Kerri met David and Kelly in the front office at the Malibu Boats Factory in Loudon, TN and they were off. One of the first things they did was check out the Malibu Corvette Limited Edition Sport-V at the factory. The Holmans told Kerri about their love for Corvettes and since they wouldn't have a chance to visit the museum she thought seeing the Corvette that runs on water would be fun for them. And as Kerri put it, "They killed two bird with one stone and got their Corvette fix."
Then Kerri and Dennis Kelley, Quality Assurance Manager for Malibu Boats, gave them the detailed Malibu Boats tour. They started with mold-prep and worked their way through gel coat, lamination, assembly, rigging, upholstery install, lake test, QC and detail, explaining each step thoroughly along the way.
We asked David what he enjoyed most about the Malibu Boats tour and he immediately replied, "The amount of detail and effort taken to make each boat and grasping the concept of how the gel coat goes on first and the shell of the boat is made from the outside in." David went on to say, "We had a great time and enjoyed ourselves more than we could have imagined. The staff at the plant was so kind and treated us as the most important people in the world. Everyone was so willing to answer our never-ending list of questions."
The last question we asked David was what he thought of Malibu Boats now that he and Kelly had a chance to take the tour. "The level of customer service and patience for explaining details exceeded our expectations and the tour affirmed that craftsmanship, detail and innovations have placed Malibu Boats at the top of our list." David answered.
Kerri told us, "Dennis and I had the best visit with the Holmans! Kelly even hugged me on her way out. This type of personal contact with customers is the absolute best part of my job!"
If you are interested in taking a tour at Malibu Boats Factory in Loudon, TN like the Holmans please call (865) 458-5478 or fill out the Malibu Boats Contact Us form online. Make sure to include your desired tour date and time in the comments section. We would love to see you at the Malibu Boats Factory.
Tags: Malibu Boats | Malibu Factory | factory tour | Tennessee | Loudon TN | Corvette Factory | David Holman | Kerri Johns | Dennis Kelley | Corvette Boat
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