Sabrina Dierksen and her husband Dustin grew up boating and going to the lake. They both started wakeboarding in 2005 and they’ve been hooked ever since. As their skills improved behind a small Baja and riding occasionally behind a friend’s Malibu boat, they started dreaming of a bigger wakeboard-specific boat. So Sabrina and Dustin began to investigate the boat buying process and determine which wakeboard boat model would work best for them. They traveled to shows and talked to friends. They finally came to the decision that a Malibu boat was the wakeboard boat for them. They decided to search for something used. That task proved difficult. There weren’t many available and the resale was fairly high on the Malibu boats they did find.
Finally the drawbacks of owning a small non-watersports boat took their toll. Sabrina had had enough of not being able to bring along more friends and family. Dustin wanted to move into more advanced wakeboard moves. So Sabrina decided to buy a new boat as a Christmas present to Dustin and herself.
“I was tired of having a crappy boat!” Sabrina explained. She was making decent money and had recently paid off her car so they could more than afford the payment. And a new boat wasn’t much more than they were looking at used. So she logged on to the Wilson Watersports web site.
The Malibu Boats Dealer in Edmond, Oklahoma, Wilson Watersports, lists the new Malibu boats they have in stock on their web site. It didn’t take long for Sabrina to find her boat. A click of the mouse on the Wilson Watersports. Sabrina purchased the "Wakesetter 23 LSV” link and there it was. She picked-up the phone right then and contacted Todd Wilson about her intentions to drive to Edmond and buy the boat. Todd agreed to hold the boat for her, but was a little skeptical that he would ever actually meet Sabrina in person.
Sabrina told Dustin she was planning a trip to Oklahoma City, OK to visit her college roommate with their friends Shane and Lisa Norris. She made sure these plans were made on a day Dustin was busy. Instead of Oklahoma City Sabrina, Shane and Lisa headed for Edmond, OK to Wilson Watersports. Sabrina purchased the Wakesetter 23 LSV she saw online. Todd and Laura Wilson, the owners of Wilson Watersports were amazed at Sabrina’s plan to surprise Dustin and were really excited to be a part of the surprise.
The boat went home to Shane’s shop from the dealership. It was supposed to stay in his shop until the big surprise was revealed. Sabrina’s plan was to wait until their anniversary, which is the 21st of December, and give it to Dustin as an anniversary/Christmas gift. But Sabrina under estimated her own excitement. There was no way she could wait. She decided to surprise Dustin that same day.
Sabrina called Dustin and let him know she was staying for a pizza at Shane and Lisa’s house in Drummond, OK. She encouraged him to join her and he agreed. Dustin didn’t find this out of the ordinary, since they hung out with Shane and Lisa all the time. Once the pizza was gone Shane lured Dustin out to the shop for something he just had to see. Once Dustin saw the boat his chin dropped, but the charade didn’t end there. Dustin’s best friend pretended the boat was his. Dustin immediately went back in the house to grab Sabrina. He had to show her “Shane’s” new boat.
When Sabrina entered the shop she looked at Dustin and said, “Merry Christmas it’s yours.” He was so surprised. Sabrina explained, “If we didn’t get it now, we were never going to do it!”
Check out Dustin and Sabrina's photo gallery on Malibu Boats Flickr Channel.
It’s been a few years since Sabrina surprised Dustin with this early Christmas gift. But according to her they are still having as much fun as ever with their Malibu boat. “We absolutely love the boat. We even bought wet suits so we could extend our season.” Sabrina continued, “We enjoy every aspect of boat ownership. We even planned vacations around going to the lake.” Sabrina explained, “We take two big trips every year with both of our families and no one is crowded. Sisters, brothers and their families even my 65-year-old step dad gets in on wakeboarding action! This boat definitely brings us together!”
This is a great Malibu Christmas Story Sabrina! Thank you so much for sharing it with us.
Tags: Malibu Boats | Dierksen Family | Christmas Story | Christmas gift | wakeboard boat | Sabrina Dierksen | Wakesetter 23 LSV | wakeboarding | Dustin Dierksen | Dierksen | Christmas surprise | surprise | Wilson Watersports | Todd Wilson | Laura Wilson
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